Executive Team
The Heads of Departments and Schools of Psychology Association (HoDSPA) represents over 40 public and private higher education providers of education and training in psychology across Australia. Each institution is represented by the academic leader who is the Head of the school, department, or psychology discipline. The Heads constitute the HoDSPA membership.
HoDSPA is led by an elected Executive, consisting of a Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as an appointed Executive Officer, and the Immediate Past Chair.
Professor Kristen Pammer
Head of School School of Psychological Sciences
University of Newcastle
Email: chair@hodspa.org.au
Deputy Chair:
Associate Professor Phil Kavanagh
Discipline Lead
University of Canberra
Email: deputychair@hodspa.org.au
Immediate Past Chair:
Professor Lorelle Burton
BAppSc USQ , BAppSc(Hons) USQ , PhD USQ
Head of the School of Psychology and Wellbeing
University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba QLD 4350
Tel: +61 7 4631 2853
Associate Professor Karena J. Burke
Head of Department of Psychology & Public Health
CQUniversity Australia
Adelaide campus
44 Greenhill Rd, Wayville, SA, 5034
Tel: +61 8 8378 4566
Mob: +61 4179 29827
Email: treasurer@hodspa.org.au
Associate Professor Carla Litchfield
Discipline Head: Psychology/Associate Professor of Psychology
UniSA: Justice and Society
Email: secretary@hodspa.org.au
Executive Officer:
Professor Stephen Kent
- School of Psychology & Public Health
- La Trobe University
- eo@hodspa.org.au
- M: +61 0403 793 540
Past Chair:
Adjunct Professor Renata Meuter
PhD University of Oxford
Faculty of Health
School of Psychology and Counselling
Queensland University of Technology
Tel: +61 7 3138 4994
Co-opted Executive Member:
Professor Lisa Foa
Head, School of Psychological Sciences, Psychology
+61 3 6226 2679 (Fax)
+61 3 6226 2681 (Work)
School of Psychological Sciences, Psychology,
Level 1, Room 140 Social Sciences Building,
Sandy Bay Campus, TAS
Co-opted Executive Member:
Professor Linda Byrne
Dean, Faculty of Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy
Immediate Past Executive Officer:
Professor Nigel W. Bond, FASSA
Emeritus Professor
University of Western Sydney
NSW 2751
Our History

Professor Lorelle Burton
2021 - 2023

Adjunct Professor Renata Meuter
2019 - 2021

Professor Stephen Kent
2018 - 2019

Professor Kim Cornish
2015 - 2018

Professor John Dunn
2011 - 2015